Potty Training Books
Reading books about using the potty in fun ways is a form of using social stories to help children learn and process emotions. Did you know reading books about using the potty has been proven to help with potty training!? But you'll want to start earlier than you might have guessed.
Some kids, however, struggle with our eighth, very unknown sense, called interoception.
Interoception is critical to feel and understand what is going on inside of your body and when a child has difficulty processing interoception, knowledge and regulation of basic body functions (and emotions) can be interrupted causing great frustration.
If you need help and advice on how to best go about potty training your child, or assess if he/she may have difficulties with interoception, contact Tara for an evaluation and treatment plan.

No more diapers for me! That’s what toddlers will proudly proclaim after they hear this appealing tale of a lovable duck who takes the big step. When Piggy can’t come out to play because he’s busy sitting on the potty, Ducky realizes it’s time to grow up, too. A sweet and subtle story, with two huggable animals that children will embrace.

Toddlers are uneasy about toilet training. And in most cases, even if they know they have to go, sometimes they are too busy to bother. In this hilarious gate-fold story, each person--from a firefighter on the way to answer a fire alarm to a zoo keeper on the way to feed the polar bears--stops what they are doing to go to the potty.

Children will love following along and lifting the flaps to see the child play, sit on thepotty, eat, sit on the potty, sleep, and then sit on the potty...until finally there is success. Written from a child's point of view, this new potty-training book will help children join in the final refrain, "I'm so proud of me!"

Parents and caregivers can help little ones prepare for this milestone in every child's life with this reassuring pull-tab book. Providing encouragement and empowerment through the gently humorous situations faced by a charming cast of characters, children will recognize that the feelings voiced by Little Crocodile and his friends are similar to their own. Using pull tabs to control the changing pictures, children gain the confidence to apply their newly learned knowledge to their own experience

A perfect new potty-training book for Daniel Tiger fans—push the button and hear the potty flush! Daniel and his dad are at Music Man Stan’s music shop when Daniel has to go to the potty. Will he have to wait until he gets home to use the bathroom? In this adaptation of a popular episode, Daniel learns that there are bathrooms in lots of places and that he can use the bathroom in the shop or anywhere else in the neighborhood. So remember: when you have to go potty, stop and go right away!

A new toddler title charts a crucial achievement. There comes a point in a toddler’s life when going in one’s diaper is only one possible option, and the question must be raised: "Should I go in my potty?" With pitch-perfect humor and pacing, Leslie Patricelli follows the inner dialogue (sure to have little ones shouting responses) and hilarious actions of everyone’s favorite Baby, winding up with an over-the-top look of surprise and delight that will have both parents and kids.

Every little superhero needs to use the potty - he just needs to know where to go! Help your own little superhero explore the idea of using a potty as he makes the potty training journey toward wearing big boy pants.

Big Girl Panties! features a light, positive approach to motivate toddlers to become toilet trained. What could be more rewarding for a little girl than wearing big girl panties, just like mommy? Adult caregivers and toddlers alike will love the snappy, rhyming text and colorful, hip illustrations. Valeria Petrone's stylized artwork ensures that this commercial yet heartwarming book will have a special place on little girls' favorite bookshelves. Soon they'll all be saying, "Bye, bye diapers!"

This engaging and sweet, funny lift-the-flap book shows children that all creatures have a place to poop: tigers in the jungle, kangaroos in the outback, and monkeys in the rain forest. With the aid of this playful book, your child will see that he or she has a place to poop, too. While reinforcing the concept of toilet training, Where's the Poop? gives children the confidence they need.

Learning to use the potty is something to celebrate! This shaped board book is perfect for little ones who are ready to try potty training. The light and lively story is encouraging and reassuring. These potty-time buddies will turn fears into cheers!